Mercer 2x4x16 SPF "Silver Bullets"

Our 2x4x16 "Silver Bullets" are a #3 grade stamped European SPF that uniquely achieves a high grade appearance for a very reasonable price.  They are perfect for applications like plate framing, concrete forming, bracing, shoring, railing, roof purlins, packaging, crating, and more.  

This is a specific product that comes from one European mill with a very unique set of fiber supply and grading rules, and with that we are able to deliver regular and consistent quality that is uniform throughout the year. 



Available Sizes:

Features & Benefits:

-Excellent value for price 

-Premium Norway Spruce fiber 

-Excellent for plate framing, concrete forming, bracing, shoring, railing, purlins, packaging, and crating 

-Vast majority of material within unit is premium 4-Square quality

-Standard US dimensions with paper wrapped bundles of 294 pieces

Information Request

Virtual Unit:


Q: What grade are these? 

A: These are technically a #3 grade stamp.  Due to the incredible log supply, this mill naturally runs a very high percentage of 4-Square premium lumber.  These pieces are typically equivalent 4-Square premium appearance, but get kicked into the #3 grade due to the prevalence of a 3 faced spike knot.  This 3 faced spike knot lowers the relative strength of the board, but has virtually no impact on the overall appearance.  So with that, you end up getting an incredibly good looking board, for the price of #3 lumber.

Q: So can I use this in place of #2 SPF?

A: If you're using #2 SPF specifically for structural framing (like in trusses), this is not a direct substitute because the strength rating is slightly lower.  It will still work in most applications, but you should check and confirm design values first.  

Q: Where is this the best fit?

A: We've found that this product is a excellent fit for plate framing, concrete forming, purlins for metal roofing and sheathing, crating and packaging, and any other application that would like a good square face and surface for a low price.  

Q: Are these HT stamped?

A: Yes - every board is KD-HT stamped.