Poplar is ideal for interior trim work and finished carpentry.  It has a high level of dimensional stability, a smooth sanded face, and excellent properties for a pristine painted or stained finish.  


Available Sizes:


Features & Benefits 

 -Clear S4S Poplar 

 -Fully sanded face and edges.  Fully square edges.  

 -High level of dimensional stability

 -Excellent for painting or staining 

 -Great for trim work, stairs, cabinets, shelving, and more


Information Request

Example Tallies: 


250 Board Feet Packs  

1x6 C&Btr Poplar

4/8', 7/9', 3/10', 3/11', 2/12', 6/13', 6/14', 5/15', 4/16' 


1x12 C&Btr Poplar

2/8', 3/9', 4/10', 1/11', 4/12', 1/13', 1/14', 1/15', 3/16'